I don't know what to do about being broke. Does anyone know the magic answer?
We live within our means but money is never enough. We've cut down on sooo many (if not all) unnecessary expenses. Sold some of our assets. Hardly eat at restaurants anymore. I have a job but it doesn't pay much. The Husband works but the business doesn't seem to generate enough. So what now?
I 'm trying to stay positive inspite of the additional marital problems we are having. It feels like I'm drowning in a deep pool and suddenly forgot how to swim. And I am a good swimmer in the pool of life. I'm known to be forever organized, cool and collected. Suddenly am like a dead weight drowning in water.
Today the time has come to face reality. We are definitely broke. Suddenly the dead weight is chained to stones that sink deeper into the depths of the pool floor. What now?
All i can think of now is to pray that I don't lose hope and that these things shall pass.
Dear Husband,
I know there must be a good reason out there for all these unfortunate things happening to us. Maybe it is meant to keep us together so we can find a solution together. Maybe it is meant to open our eyes and make us realize that wealth and fame are not what matter in life because in the end, we cannot take them with us.
Do you still love me? Can we still work it out? I'd like to give the kids a happy family ... it's something money can't buy. Won't cost you a cent and thats all we can afford to give them right now.
Your Wife
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